Sunday, June 29, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes

Most of us have had puffy eyes at sometime in our lives. Late night might cause some people eyes to puff up on occasion, but for others, puffiness might be something they have to deal with on a daily basis. Puffiness, Sagging, Wrinkles and Dark Circles are every woman's nightmare. Whether it's an early morning business meeting or an evening out, we all want to look bright, rested and lively, puffiness and other under - eye problems can not only make you look less attractive, they can also diminish your confidence.

What causes under-eye problem? 
Lack of sleep, poor diet, stress and erratic lifestyle are most common causes of puffiness and other under-eye problems. Poor sleep habits and stress are directly related to puffiness and dark circles. An unbalanced diet, dehydration and excessive consumption of alcohol are known to cause puffy eyes.

So how do we combat these problems? 
There are three ways to deal with puffiness, natural remedies, makeup tricks and lifestyle changes. Each of these will help you counter puffiness and others problems, but combination of the three will ensure that puffiness is reduced to dust a distant, faintly unpleasant memory.

My favorite solution
I always keep a set of spoons in my freezer and when I've woken up with puffy eyes, I just pop them out and lightly press them under my eye area. The curve of the back of the spoon is the perfect shape to just sit in your eye area.

The cold temperature of the spoons constrict the blood vessel and helps reduce the swelling and then, no more puffy eyes.

To do this like I said, always keep a set of spoons in the freezer to use at any given time but if you don't have a set ready, just pop a set in the freezer for at least 10 minutes. You don't have to do anything to them but let them get cold. I prefer a bigger soup type spoon because it covers a larger area but any spoon will do.

When your spoon are nice and cold take them out and lightly press them on any puffy areas. You can do this on the top and bottom lids

Keep in mind that your eyes area is very delicate, and should be treated gentle, make sure you apply light pressure and if the spoon feel uncomfortable cold, lift and press, moving them around different parts of your eye area.

It doesn't take long for the spoon to warm up. Check in the mirror and if your eyes still look puffy, repeat the process as many times as needed.

I hope you find this helpful. It really does make a difference and can be kind of relaxing if you have a few minutes to spare.

If you have any question comment below or email me at

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